

Grace Hall

Hi! My name is Grace and I co-founded this organization at 12 years old. I live in Denver, CO with my Mom, Dad, 2 sisters and little brother. I love basketball and play for The Basketball Bureau boys and girls 2027 teams. My favorite subjects at McAuliffe International Middle School are Journalism, Math, Language Arts and PE.

I wanted to start this organization because I like talking to and learning about exciting and dynamic female leaders (and I hope to be one, too)!

Austin Duncan

Hi, my name is Austin Duncan and I co-founded the Be the Light organization in 2020 when I was 12 years old. I go to the International School of Denver and I am fluent in French. My favorite sport is basketball and I am a forward for Hardwood Elite’s 2025 SSB team. My favorite hobby is stagecraft because I enjoy all the creativity that goes into stage makeup and design. I live with my mom, dad, sister, and dog Levi in Denver, Colorado.

Be the Light gives me the opportunity to be a role model to young women while also learning from successful female leaders inside and outside of my community.

Be the Light is GROWING

Be the Light is proud to announce that we are expanding our reach as we enter the Spring of 2022 by adding a girls running club and an arts appreciation club!


Harper Hall

Hi, my name is Harper Hall and I am a proud athlete, musician, and aspiring activist. I love basketball, running, playing guitar and being the lead singer in my band - The Highlights!. I’m also a ‘jack-of-all-trades’, and enjoy riding dirt bikes, playing flag football, and excelling in the classroom!

I wanted to start the BTL Running Club because I saw that so many girls were not allowed to participate in the girls running club offered through our school. So with the help and support of my parents, I began RUN BTL!

Evan Duncan

Hi, my name is Evan Duncan and I founded the Be the Light: Arts club in the Spring of 2022 as a way for me to share my love of the arts with my friends, family, and anyone who is interested.

My passions are singing and theater and I have performed in theater productions and as a solo artist in local concerts. Some of my proudest achievements are playing the role of Little Ti Moune in the Town Hall Arts Center production of Once On This Island, and performing as a vocalist in the Arts for Autism concert at the Gershwin Theater in New York City. I am also Company dancer at Cherry Creek Dance.

It doesn’t matter if you are on stage or at home, participating in the arts can be a fun activity with other people that enjoy them.